a. If you had no response from a mailing, it probably means you have no 

b. The fact that you send a request about a perl development to a python 
mailing list raises concerns about your understanding of the nature of 
this interest group

c. The technology you are trying to develop seems to be well developed 
in, for example, python.

d. If you are in academia, you should be able to readily find comp sci 
undergrads or graduates who might be able to help you for a 
comparatively small  remuneration.


Dr Tim Couper
CTO, SciVisum Ltd


E.D.G. wrote:
> "E.D.G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> Important Research Project  (Related to computer programming)
>> Posted by E.D.G. on August 30, 2007 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     This effort was not successful.  And I am returning to trying to slowly
> make progress with the computer program I have been developing.
>     I was hoping that there might be some people who had Perl chart and .exe
> generation programs running on their own computer who could say, "Here is
> how to merge them with Perl; here is how to use them; this is what they will
> do, etc."  Or, I was hoping that someone would respond and say that although
> they are using Fortran or Basic etc. instead of Perl, they would be
> interested in getting a copy of Perl running, determine how to get those
> routines running, and then pass along the information.  That would have
> saved some time.
>     I work on these projects all the time.  And it has been my experience
> that the world of science does not have the type of organized structure at
> this time to enable people to easily obtain that type of assistance.  I have
> established an organization which will hopefully help with that problem.  It
> might be going public at a Web site some time in the next year.
> There were some questions regarding the computer program I discussed.  This
> is what it does:
>     It provides researchers with the a certain amount of ability to
> determine if different events are somehow linked with one another.  For
> example, it can be used to compare two or more earthquakes, earthquakes and
> electromagnetic pulses, tornados and electromagnetic pulses, and even
> earthquakes and tornados etc.
>     It makes it possible for people to study events taking place deep in the
> Earth by evaluating electromagnetic pulse data associated with those events.
> Under the right conditions it can be used to forecast earthquakes.  That is
> the reason it was developed in the first place.  You can see the type of
> data it generates at the following Web page:
> http://www.freewebz.com/eq-forecasting/Data.html
>     The plan is that when it has chart and standalone .exe program file
> generation capabilities, program copies will be circulated within the
> earthquake forecasting community in the People's Republic of China.  It was
> discussed in detail there at a scientific conference in December of 2003.
> At that time it was too complex for widespread use.
>     After the chart feature becomes operational etc. I am also planning to
> contact U.S. government officials to see if one or more lectures can be
> organized regarding the basic technology and theories, and the program's
> capabilities.
> These are personal opinions.

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