John Machin wrote:
I've tested it intensively"Famous Last Words" :-)
(1) Manic s/w producing lots of files all the same size: the Borland C[++] compiler produces a debug symbol file (.tds) that's always 384KB; I have 144 of these on my HD, rarely more than 1 in the same directory.
Not sure what you want me to do about it. I've decreased the minimum block size once more, to accomodate for more files of the same length without increasing the total amount of memory used.
(2) There appears to be a flaw in your logic such that it will find
duplicates only if they are in the *SAME* directory and only when
there are no other directories with two or more files of the same
Ooops... A really stupid mistake on my side. Corrected.
(3) Your fdups-check gadget doesn't work on Windows; the commands module works only on Unix but is supplied with Python on all platforms. The results might just confuse a newbie: Why not use the Python filecmp module?
Done. It's also faster AND it works better. Thanks for the suggestion.
Please fetch the new version from
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