Thanks for the responses. To be more specific, this code is part of a Maya plugin. The funcion MFnPlugin::registerUI takes a pointer to a PyObject which is the function that will set up the UI for that plugin. The code Matimus posted seems to me exactly like what I need to do, except that maya gives me an error when I call PyImport_ImportModule... I don't even have a chance to check the return value, Maya simply gives up. I have checked that python is initialized by the time I call this function, and the python path is correct, I can load the module from the maya python interpreter. What bugs me is that PyImport_ImportModule doesn't even return, it should return 0 if something bad happened, right?
Here's my code: if(Py_IsInitialized()) cout << "python is already initialized" << endl; if(!Py_IsInitialized()){ cout << "had do initialize python" << endl; Py_Initialize(); } PyObject* mod= PyImport_ImportModule("vzPyTest"); if(mod == 0){ cout << "didn't load" << endl; } PyObject* func1 = PyObject_GetAttrString(mod, "vzPyTest.test1"); PyObject* func2 = PyObject_GetAttrString(mod, "vzPyTest.test2"); plugin.registerUI(func1, func2); Thanks for the help!!! --