Hy Guys Did anyone manage to install and use Pivy. I'm trying it and cant come closer to the goal I get the message: Please set the COIN3DDIR environment variable to your Coin root directory! ** Aborting **
Familiar to anyone? And there is anoher question in my mind. Is there a way to make a list in python which contains a series of functions. I did'n try it. Something like: >>>def a(): >>> return 1 >>>def b(): >>> return 2 >>>def c(): >>> return 3 >>>def d(): >>> return 4 >>> list=[a(),b(),c(),d()] >>> list [1,2,3,4] I kow that for this kind of stuff this in not neccesarry, but for other suff it, gets interesting. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list