In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 "Raymond L. Buvel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just wrote:
> <snip>
> > 
> > SciPy indeed appear to contain a solver, but I'm currently stuck in 
> > trying to _get_ it for my platform (OSX). I'm definitely not going to 
> > install a Fortran compiler just to evaluate it (even though my name is 
> > not "Ilias" ;-). Also, SciPy is _huge_, so maybe a Python translation of 
> > that Fortran code or your Perl code will turn out to be more attractive 
> > after all...
> > 
> > Just
> The GNU Scientific Library has a nice root finder for polynomials with 
> real coefficients.  I have wrapped this with Pyrex to work with my 
> ratfun module see:
> If this will suit your needs, I can send you an alpha release of the 
> package with the root finder.  It is not pure Python.  I requires Pyrex 
> and a C compiler to install.  My guess is that it will work on OSX as 
> well as it does on Linux.  This functionality will be included in the 
> next release of the ratfun package but I still have to unit test a 
> number of components and update the documentation.  Consequently, an 
> official release will not happen soon.

Thank you, I'll check this out. I had come across GSL, but not Python 
bindings. (GPL is probably a problem for my project, but it's very good 
to know anyway.)

On the other hand, I just finished translating the relevant portions of 
Math::Polynomial::Solve to Python, so I'm probably all set, at least for 
now. Thanks everyone for the responses, especially to John Gamble!


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