
i would like to sort a list of lists. The list is first sorted on the
second item in the sub-lists (which I can do), then on the third item
(which I can't).

eg. records = [['dog',1,2], ['chair',2,1], ['cat',1,3], ['horse',3,4],
['table',3,2], ['window',3,5]]

I want sorted to [['dog',1,2], ['cat',1,3], ['chair',2,1], ['table',
3,2], ['horse',3,4], ['window',3,5]]

To sort on the second item in the sub-lists I do the following

pass1 = itemgetter(1)
sorted(records, key=pass1)

How can I then sort on the third item in the sub-lists whilst keeping
the order on the second item?



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