> I like Steve, but he seems pretty crabby/rude much of the time.

Now what is going on here? I've been on this list for quite some time 
now and over all of Steves very frequent posts this is the first thread 
that I recall in which he sort of snapped. All of the other times he 
managed insults with admirable grace (How's that for fan-mail? ;)). And 
his tone is usually much milder than that of most other regulars here 
(all of whom are very friendly albeit the concise, technical manner of 
communication, sprinkled of course with the occasional sarcastic remark).

Steve, you might want to consider becoming more rude in your 
communication style; that way you don't get flamed for that *one time* 
you actually loose your cool. ;)

Rhetorical closing-questions: Do people start flame wars like this so 
easily in the real world as well? Why do internet-discussions tend to 
burst into all-out battles so quickly? Why do people on the net tend to 
forget that a 1--10 scale actually contains 2--9?


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