Thanks. I think I agree about the book comment. I used to dabble with Tcl/Tk 
many years ago. About a year ago, I sold my only book on it. I thought I'd 
never need it again! I wonder if Grayson's (e-book on his site) has improved.

After spending about 90 minutes with IDLE, I'm not real impressed. Is there 
something better?

Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Aug 2007 20:41:11 -0700, "W. Watson"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
>> I'm just playing with Python. It's my first outing. The program is below. I 
>> thought I'd fuss with numbers, and then get bold and try some Tkinter stuff.
>>   I copied the root stuff from a book (Grayson), and get stopped at the 
>> optionDB statement. What's wrong? I get
>>     clError: couldn't open "optionDB": no such file or directory
>> from Idle. Does the Tk code need to be up higher? The book is dated 2000, so 
>> maybe that item no longer exists.
>       More likely, you need to create a file with standard Tk
> configuration options in the directory you are running from...
>       A google search on "tk optiondb" brings up a page full of RUBY
> stuff...
> {That wasn't the easiest book to understand either... It seems to have
> been written on the basis that one already knew tcl/tk, and how it
> linked together}

                          Wayne Watson (Nevada City, CA)

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