Harlin Seritt wrote:
Tkinter is easier to learn. It is better documented IMO. Tkinter is
just as functional as any other GUI toolkit for Python. Creating your
own widget sets is usually a breeze. Tkinter is not ugly if done
properly. Tkinter apps are ported easily. On and on :-)
In this forum, no such comment about wxPython from the Tkinter
crowd, nor about Tkinter from the wxPython crowd, is allowed to
stand long without the (friendly) competition pointing out that
they feel the same way about their own favorite.
In my case, I found wxPython easier to learn and ultimately
better documented (for my purposes). I also found it
to be more functional (again, for my purposes) and have had
no difficulties with portability. (Okay, I'll admit that at
this time I haven't actually attempted to run any of my
wxPython stuff on anything except Windows, thus the lack
of difficulties in that area. ;-) )
The best approach in this and similar areas of Python is to
try them both out. It will take only an hour of your time,
and after perusing some sample code and trying to make a
Hello World program in each, you'll pretty quickly choose
the one that will likely turn out to be best for _you_.