On Aug 20, 7:31 am, "Mark Dufour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have just released Shed Skin 0.0.23. It doesn't contain the type
> inference scalability improvements I was working on, but it does have
> quite a few bug fixes and minor feature additions. Here's a list of
> changes:
> -support for __iadd__, __imul__ and such (except __ipow__ and __imod__)
> -some overdue set optimizations
> -fix for string formatting problem (%% did not always work)
> -extension module stability fixes
> -fix for particular inheritance problem
> -other minor bugfixes, cleanups, and error messages
> I could really use some systematic help in pushing Shedskin further. Some 
> ideas:
> -send in bug reports - these are extremely valuable and motivating to
> me, yet I don't receive many..
> -find out why test 148 is currently broken under windows
> -add datetime, re or socket support
> -look into supporting custom classes in generated extension modules
> -write a Shedskin tutorial for 'novice' programmers
> -systemically test performance and suggest and work on improvements
> -investigate replacements for std::string and __gnu_cxx::hash_set
> -perform janitorial-type work in ss.py and lib/builtin.?pp
> -support extension modules under OSX (OSX gives me accute mental RSI)
> -add more tests to unit.py
> Thanks,
> Mark Dufour.
> --
> "One of my most productive days was throwing away 1000 lines of code"
> - Ken Thompson

Adding socket support would certainly open the door for many common
classes applications.  If I had my pick, I say, sockets and then re.

BTW, I gatta say projects like shedskin and pypy are the most exciting
python projects I'm aware of.  Please keep of the good work.  I'm so
excited about the day I can begin using shedskin for the types of
projects I use python on.




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