Hey gang!

I'm having trouble with this script from a CGI lesson I'm working and
I can't seem to figure it out.  I was wondering if someone could tell
me what is wrong.  I've spent several hours trying to debug, but no
success.  Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,


Python Interactive CGI Tutorial - Code Example 7.3

# Define function display_page.
def display_page(result, id, session_key = 0):
    print "<HTML>\n"
    print "<HEAD>\n"
    print "\t<TITLE>Info Form</TITLE>\n"
    print "</HEAD>\n"
    print "<BODY BGCOLOR = white>\n"
    if (result == "passed"):
        if (session_key == 0):
            session_key = create_session(id)
            print id, , you are logged in with key:", session_key,
            print "\t\t<FORM METHOD = post ACTION = \
            print "\t\t<INPUT TYPE = \"hidden\" NAME = \
            \"session_key\" VALUE =\", session_key, ">\n"
            print "\t\t<INPUT TYPE = \"submit\" \
            VALUE = \"Stay Logged In.\"></FORM>\n"
            print "\t\t<FORM METHOD = post ACTION = \
            print "\t\t<INPUT TYPE = \"hidden\" NAME = \
            \"session_key\" VALUE =", session_key, ">\n"
            print "\t\t<INPUT TYPE = \"hidden\" NAME =\
            \"logout\" VALUE = \"logout\" >\n"
            print "\t\t<INPUT TYPE = \"submit\" \
            VALUE = \"Logout.\"></FORM>\n"
            print "You entered the incorrect combo.\n"
            print "</BODY>\n"
            print "</HTML>\n"


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