On Aug 20, 5:40 am, Gabriel Genellina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 18 ago, 04:31, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If one creates a thread using threading.Thread and makes it a daemon
> > by calling setDaemon(), then when Python is exiting it will not
> > attempt to call join() on that thread and wait for it to complete
> > first. [...]
> > End result is that it could result in a Python exception at some
> > point, evidenced by messages starting with:
> > Exception in thread Thread-1 (most likely raised during interpreter
> > shutdown) [...]
> > In order to avoid this, do people think that as an alternative to
> > creating daemonised thread that it would be reasonable to create a
> > derived Thread class for the particular task which overrides
> > Thread.join() method to set some flag or otherwise take some action
> > that the thread would notice to tell it to stop, and then call base
> > class Thread.join().
> > This way you can flag the thread to shutdown automatically when Python
> > is going around calling join() on non daemonised threads.
> > Or am I missing the obvious as far as ways of flagging threads to tell
> > them to stop?
> > Note that this is where Python is being used embedded in a C program.
> > There is no Python main function where code can be put to signal
> > threads to otherwise stop.
> This last statement is important. You need "some" way to tell the
> threads to stop working. Usually the thread's run() method is a big
> loop; you need to tell it somehow to exit the loop. By example, if you
> are using a Queue, put a sentinel object in it; or use an Event
> object; or at least a global variable.
> Overriding thread.join() as you suggest above may be a good place to
> do that, if you don't have another chance.

I already use the Queue method to flag the thread to stop. In practice
the question is more theoretical at the moment as I am able to stop
the thread by registering an atexit callback which stuffs something on
the queue and everything works okay.

The question was me more thinking out loud and wandering what other
peoples opinions were in it.

What makes this stuff even more tricky is that prior to Python 2.5,
the joining with non daemonised threads was done in a callback
registered with the atexit module. This meant it could occur in the
middle of other atexit callbacks being called and thus no absolute
certainty as to ordering.

In Python 2.5, the joining with non daemonised threads was moved to a
distinct phase before atexit callbacks were called. This was good for
non daemonised threads as it gave you more certainty. Still less for
daemonised thread though as although can use atexit callbacks to
trigger a thread to shutdown and then wait on it if necessary, still
doing stuff when some atexit callbacks may have already been called.

Thus why I was hunting for a slightly more predictable method for
daemonised threads, although would be dependent on Python 2.5 or later
being used if you absolutely need it to occur before atexit callbacks

Also, just to make it even more complicated, when using Python in an
embedded manner and using secondary sub interpreters, destroying a
secondary sub interpreter does not result in the atexit callbacks
being called, nor joining with non daemonised threads (at least for <
2.5, can't remember for certain about 2.5 but don't think it does it
either). Thus, if you need these things to occur for secondary sub
interpreters, you must write code yourself to trigger both the thread
joining and atexit callbacks. :-(



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