mosscliffe wrote:
> I am trying to create a back link, equivalent to the browser back
> action and I can not use java script. The target user does not allow
> java script.
> I am using HTTP_REFERER.
> I need to add the original Query String values.
> Is there a way to get the QueryString element other than by using
> cgi.FieldStorage, as I just want to return with the values that were
> current in the calling page.
> gv.orgQueryString = ""
> gv.BackButton = '<A href="' + os.environ.get("HTTP_REFERER") +
> gv.orgQueryString + '">BACK</A>'

I'm not sure I understand your problem.  Does the above code not work?

> Am I right in thinking Search Engine Spiders will never see my script
> pages as they exist only for the duration of the python script's
> execution ?  And even then as they are, they would not be
> seen.

Anyone who accesses your web server will see the pages that you serve. 
If you serve the files, then they can be seen and indexed, 
otherwise they are invisible.

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