O.R.Senthil Kumaran wrote:
>> Quote:D:\ftp\Music\Mixes & Compilations\Above & Beyond - Essential
>> Mix\001_Essential_Mix_2004-06-06_-_Above_and_Beyond.txt
>> when i put 'print sys.argv[1:]' at the very beginning of the script, all i
>> get is this:
>> Quote:['D:\\ftp\\Music\\Mixes']
> Can you share the portion of the code?
> Are you quoting the argument that you are passing?
> for e.g:
> #cat 1.py
> import sys
> print sys.argv[1]
> #python 1.py "I am able to print the spaces and & characters"
> I am able to print the spaces and & characters
I suspect that the ampersand is being interpreted as a command 
terminator, and that the shell syntax error has been overlooked.

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