Does anyone know of a site(s) that shows examples of what you can do 
with Nevow? I'm not necessarily referring to code, but what it can do 
over the web. (Something I can show my boss if needed.)

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
> There was a request for nevow examples.  Nevow is a fantastic 
> web-development framework for Python.
> I used nevow to create
> This site uses nevow and self introspection to produce (live) 
> documentation for scipy based on the internal docstrings.   It would be 
> nice to add the capability for users to update the documentation through 
> the web-site.  But, that functionality is not complete.
> The code itself is available in the util directory of scipy which can be 
> checked out of CVS (or browsed).  Go to  for mor 
> details.
> -Travis Oliphant

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