At 03:35 PM 8/12/2007, Steven Bethard wrote:
>Note that if you just want to iterate over all the primes, there's no
>need for the class at all.  Simply write::
>      for prime in iter_primes():

Even if I want to test only 1 integer, or want the list of primes in 
a certain interval, I don't need the class at all:

import itertools

def iter_primes():
     # an iterator of all numbers between 2 and +infinity
     numbers = itertools.count(2)

     # generate primes forever
     while True:

         # get the first number from the iterator (always a prime)
         prime =
         yield prime

         # remove all numbers from the (infinite) iterator that are
         # divisible by the prime we just generated
         numbers = itertools.ifilter(prime.__rmod__, numbers)

def listPrimes(n,m):
     Returns the list of primes in closed interval [n,m]
     primes = []
     for prime in iter_primes():
         if prime > m:
             return primes
         if n <= prime <= m:

Thanks for your help. I didn't learn much about classes, but 
appreciated your iter_primes() a lot!

Dick Moores 


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