Hi,there.I'm a young tester (4 months,still learning what is "testing
>  software!?!"). I work on Linux and i write my tests with Python.
>     Our assignment is to build a module from our 'BIG' program that
>  have to be able to edit xls files, without using MSExcel, OpenOffice
>  or something like that, just using python.I work with two colleagues
>  which are more experienced than me in programming and in the
>  assignment we got they are exploring python modules that can edit and
>  produce xls files.Off course i am testing and have to compare two
>  "xls" files , one made by MSExcel and other made by  a module that can
>  edit and produce an xls file.Actually i'm not sure that this is way is
>  the  write one, but it's the only one i can think of.
>  The reason of writing this is that this week all the people that are 
>  supposed to teaching me are on а holiday, so there's nobody else who 
>  can help me here.
>  My English is not very good but i hope you can understand the meaning
>  of all this and i'll be glad if you can help me with this
>  assignment.Don't worry, there are no money for me to gain from this
>  assignment.It's purpose is just teaching me test software.
>  Thanks in advance!


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