On Aug 6, 1:27 pm, Carsten Haese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think that sending the datagram to port 7777 on localhost sends
> the message back to the client. I'm guessing the server is sending the
> message back to itself, which throws it into the infinite feedback loop
> you're experiencing.


On Aug 6, 2:14 pm, anethema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, you want to use the socket.recvfrom() method, store the address,
> and send the response to that address.  Your code is indeed repeatedly
> sending itself the received message.
> You want to change
>>     data  = s.recv(1024)
> to
>     data, recv_addr = s.recvfrom(1024)
> and
>>    size_sent = s.sendto(message[total_sent:], ("localhost",
>>  7777) )
> to
>     size_sent = s.sendto(message[total_sent:], recv_addr)

Thanks for the details.

> However, your client closes immediately after sending all its data, so
> it will never receive that message.

Yes, I commented out the recv() part of the client to debug the
infinite loop I was experiencing.  When I add that back to the client
everything works as it should.

Thanks to both of you again.


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