another functional exercise with lists. Here's the perl documentation. I'll post a perl and the translated python version in 48 hours.
=pod parti(aList, equalFunc) given a list aList of n elements, we want to return a list that is a range of numbers from 1 to n, partition by the predicate function of equivalence equalFunc. (a predicate function is a function that takes two arguments, and returns either True or False.) Note: a mathematical aspect: there are certain mathematical constraints on the a function that checks equivalence. That is to say, if a==b, then b==a. If a==b and b==c, then a==c. And, a==a. If a equivalence function does not satisfy these, it is inconsistent and basically give meaningless result. example: parti([['x','x','x','1'], ['x','x','x','2'], ['x','x','x','2'], ['x','x','x','2'], ['x','x','x','3'], ['x','x','x','4'], ['x','x','x','5'], ['x','x','x','5']], sub {$_[0]->[3] == $_[1]->[3]} ) returns [[1],['2','3','4'],['5'],['6'],['7','8']]; =cut In the example given, the input list's elements are lists of 4 elements, and the equivalence function is one that returns True if the last item are the same. Note that this is a generic function. The input can be a list whose elements are of any type. What "parti" does is to return a partitioned range of numbers, that tells us which input element are equivalent to which, according to the predicate given. For example, in the given example, it tells us that the 2nd, 3rd, 4th elements are equivalent. And they are equivalent measured by the predicate function given, which basically tests if their last item are the same integer. (note that if we want to view the result as indexes, then it is 1-based index. i.e. counting starts at 1.) PS if you didn't realize yet, nested lists/dictionaries in perl is a complete pain in the ass. PS note that the code "sub {$_[0]->[3] == $_[1]->[3]}" is what's called the lambda form, in Perl. Xah [EMAIL PROTECTED] --