"gregarican" <greg.....il.com> wrote:

> Maybe it's just me but the word "grovelling" just doesn't ring of
> newbie friendliness. To each their own I guess. Kind of like the
> Smalltalk list where a few respondents are really dry. Someone will
> post asking something like "Can I use Smalltalk to do X so that it
> talks to Y?" One guy (without pointing to a link or offering a
> snippet) just posts "Yes." I guess literally they have contributed. Or
> someone calls your house and asks, "Is so-and-so there?" You just say
> "Yes" and hang up on them :-)

Or at table  - "Can you pass the salt?"


< a brief hiatus, laden with unfulfilled expectations and no action >

"Please pass me the salt"

"Certainly - there you are."

On the subject of "grovelling" - this refusal to tug, and to condone
tugging at forelocks, may be a Southern Hemisphere affliction.

Don't like it myself.

- Hendrik


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