"Robert Dailey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> ------=_Part_51775_19953536.1185988361742
> Hi,
> I'm currently interested in creating an __add__() operator for one of
> my classes. This class handles both integers and objects its own type,
> however I don't know how I can perform special add operations
> depending on which is passed in. Since I haven't seen any evidence of
> function overloading, I'm assuming I'll have to check the types of the
> variables passed in inside of my __add__() method.
> Take the two following examples:
> vector3(3,4,2) + 5 = vector3(8,9,7)
> vector3(3,2,1) + vector3(4,5,6) = vector3(7,7,7)
> Any tips? Thanks.

That's an option. Another option was posted a while ago by GvR and was 
using some decorator to dispatch to different methods according to the 
type. I don't seem to find the link right now, but you can search it on GvR 

.w( the_mindstorm )p.


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