Jacques Daussy wrote:
How can I transfert information between a JAVA application and a python script application. I can't use jython because, I must use python interpreter.I think to socket or semaphore, but can I use it on Windows plateform ?

thanks a lot


Well, it all depends on the exact deployment scenario you;re facing.

If you're java program can be embedded dinside hte python scripts, then JPype (see my sig at the bottom of this post) can certainly help you.

Otherwise ... Is there a java way to "access" you java program from outside it's process? I mean things like RMI servers, or EJBs. If so, again JPype can take the place of a "java" client.

If not, there is no magic. You must first find a way to contact you Java process. If that remote-call technology is "standard", i.e. Something like SOAP or XML-RPC, then you can find a python technology to access it. If its not standard, but tehre is a Java way to use it, Again jpype can be your friend.

If you can tell us more about the nature of each program (Python and Java) we may be better able to help you.

Steve Menard
Maintainer of http://jpype.sourceforge.net

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