"Gabor Urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> ------=_Part_36089_18686793.1185871599583
> Hullo,
> I have started to use Python's logging, and got a problem. I have
> created some loggers and wrote some lines in the log. The problem is,
> that most of the lines appear doubled in the log, and some lines do
> not appear at all. 
> Any ideas or comments are wellcome,
> Gabor
> Here is the code:
> import sys
> import logging
> l = logging.getLogger('XmlTester')
> la = logging.getLogger('XmlTester.XmlParser')
> lb = logging.getLogger('XmlTester.TestExecutor')

I other worlds, loggers are hierarchical, and so XmlTester.XmlParser may be 
a child of XmlTester and so inheriting some of the properties of its 

.w( the_mindstorm )p.


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