The Testing section of the mod_python manual says to add the following
to httpd.conf(with my directory structure):

<Directory /Library/Apache2/htdocs/modPythonPages>
        AddHandler mod_python .py
        PythonHandler mptest
        PythonDebug On

and your tutorial says to add this to httpd.conf:

<Directory /some/directory>
     AllowOverride FileInfo
Replace "/some/directory" with the absolute pathname to the directory
in which the ".htaccess" file is located.

and the mod_python Testing section also cryptically refers to that
addition, so is there any reason why you can't combine them into:

<Directory /Library/Apache2/htdocs/modPythonPages>
        AllowOverride FileInfo
        AddHandler mod_python .py
        PythonHandler mptest
        PythonDebug On

It seems to work for me.  I deleted the .htaccess file out of the ../
modPythonPages/ directory, I made that change to httpd.conf, I
restarted apache, and displays the proper message.


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