=?ISO-8859-15?Q?=22Martin_v=2E_L=F6wis=22?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

>> I'm stumped.  Any suggestions?
> You will have to find the true declaration of lstat - reading
> man pages or checking that everything "looks right" won't help.
> So where is lstat declared? Is it declared at all, and if so,
> is that declaration conditional perhaps?
> Produce a preprocessor output (posixmodule.i), by adding
> -fsave-temps to the compiler line compiling posixmodule.c
> (copy the line from the make output into a shell, and add
> this command line); then inspect that output to see whether
> lstat has been declared.
> Regards,
> Martin

Thanks Martin.  Did I mention this was OpenBSD 4.1 in the original post?  
Here's the patch:

--- configure.~1~       Mon Mar 12 06:50:51 2007
+++ configure   Sun Jul 29 11:47:27 2007
@@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@
   # On OpenBSD, select(2) is not available if _XOPEN_SOURCE is defined,
   # even though select is a POSIX function. Reported by J. Ribbens.
   # Reconfirmed for OpenBSD 3.3 by Zachary Hamm, for 3.4 by Jason Ish.
-  OpenBSD/2.* | OpenBSD/3.[0123456789] | OpenBSD/4.[0])
+  OpenBSD/2.* | OpenBSD/3.[0123456789] | OpenBSD/4.[01])
   # Defining _XOPEN_SOURCE on NetBSD version prior to the introduction of
   # _NETBSD_SOURCE disables certain features (eg. setgroups). Reported by

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