"Kevin T. Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 
> Hi All -
> I'm having a problem and I hope you can help.  I can't seem to import
> packages from within the package substructure as I think I should be
> able to.  For example, I create a directory structure as follows:
> testpkg
>   __init__.py [empty]
>   testsub1/
>     __init__.py [empty]
>     bad.py [import testpkg.testsub2.good; print "hello from bad"] <-
> error
>   testsub2/
>     __init__.py [empty]
>     good.py [print "hello from good"]
> Whenever I try to run bad.py (just python bad.py from within the
> testsub2 subdirectory or from above the testpkg directory) I get an
> error.  For example:
> $ python testpkg/testsub1/bad.py
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "testpkg/testsub1/bad.py", line 1, in <modul
>     import testpkg.testsub2.good
> ImportError: No module named testpkg.testsub2.good
> How can I get my subpackages to recognize other subpackages in the
> same top-level package?  Thanks in advance!!
> Kevin

When executing bad.py python will be looking for imported module (in the 
standard path) and then in your current directory (so to find it you 
should have testsub1/testpkg/testsub2). You can solve this by adding 
your toplevel director (the parent of testpkg) to the PYTHONPATH. 

.w( the_mindstorm )p.


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