Brad Wrote:

In my experience, things have not changed at most PolySci Universities
(Georgia Tech, NC State, Virginia Tech, etc). The Comp
Engineering/CS/Math classes are still full of boys. Although there are
some girls, but not a lot. If a girl is in the class (and that's a big
if) no boy in the classs can focus. She distorts the atmosphere of the
entire room (in a good way). She's like a giant, shiny, spherical magnet
close to a lot of little, ordinary metal shards.

Maybe if the boys got out more often.  They wouldn't blame a girl for
distracting them.  Yes we are small in number in the computer world.
But as the trend that a womans life is in the home.  Woman are seeing
that there is more and desiring more.  I for one never saw computers
as a "big boys" world.

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