> You need to tell us why you "think" you need this and perhaps we can make a > suggestion. Question: Have you installed ANY applications recently that > consisted of only a single file on your hard drive? Answer: No. Most > applications install many (sometimes hundreds) of files. So what is the > problem. If you want a single file to distribute, look at Inno Installer. > Use > it to make a single, setup.exe out of all the files that come out of py2exe > along with documentation, shortcuts, etc. that a good modern application > needs. > > -Larry
I "want" to create a single file for two of my very simple/small programs. For very simple/small programs I don't need to distribute documentation, shortcuts etc.. I just want a single file to run ! Another reason is that for another program I wrote has to do with displaying an Image file and I want that this image file can be visible only through my program and not exposed in the same directory where my program is located. Thank you all for the suggestions, I will try some methods you mentioned. Regards, Nicolas. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list