Paul Rubin wrote:
> Jeffrey Froman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Consider a PHP-based CMS that allows users to upload files. Because the
>> application runs as the webserver user, uploaded files, and the directory
>> where they reside, must be accessible and writable by that user. It is the
>> same user that any other hosting customer on that machine has access to.
>> Thus, any user on the shared host could write a quick CGI script that
>> accesses, adds, removes, or defaces your uploaded content.
> That sounds trivial to ameliorate (at least somewhat) by putting your
> uploads in a directory whose name is known only to you (let's say it's
> a random 20-letter string).  The parent directory can be protected to
> not allow reading the subdirectory names.
But you have to admit that's "security by obscurity".

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
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