I'm running Python 2.3 on a windows box and would like to use PIL to superimpose text over an existing pgn image. I have no problem getting the text on the image but can not figure out how to manage fonts. How to set the font style and size. From reading the archives I surmise that I want to work with *.pil files. I've searched my box for the font files but did not find them. I've googled for information on pil font files and it appears to be involved with Zope. So, can any of you honcho-level types help me out? How can I set font size and style in my PIL application?

Thanks again!

Greg Lindstrom               501 975.4859
Computer Programmer          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
NovaSys Health
Little Rock, Arkansas

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."  W.W.


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