Jonas Meurer wrote:
i've changed my plans, and now will transform the comments to html
before saving them in mysql. this way, the comment never contains
special chars except they weren't filtered out when safed in mysql.

do any filters exist, to transform plain text to html? otherwise i might
use third-party products, as text2html.

what do you think?

as you may known mysql 4.1 offers utf-8 support. il would be wise to keep everything as utf-8: db, html generation and finally serve, with correct HTTP headers, pages encoded as utf-8.

to do this you might have to fiddle with mysql settings and make
sure that issuing a:

show varibles;

almost all of these settings:

character_set_client latin1 character_set_connection latin1

character_set_database latin1

character_set_results latin1 character_set_server latin1 character_set_system utf8

use utf-8 (as you can see my copy of mysql does not), otherwise i think bad things will occur.

if you prefer to filter out weird characters and
encode as html &#xxxx entities textile[1] does the job
just fine, you can specify input and output encoding.



@prefix foaf: <> .
<#me> a foaf:Person ; foaf:nick "deelan" ;
foaf:weblog <> .

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