The Tkinter tutorial refrrred to is at and it is a great starting point ...
Ron Stephens On Jul 14, 3:01 am, "Hendrik van Rooyen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > "Chris Carlen" <crcarl,,,,> wrote: > > > Form 2: Use Python and PySerial and TkInter or wxWidgets. > > > Pro: Cross-platform goal will likely be achieved fully. Have a > > programmer nearby with extensive experience who can help. > > Con: Must learn new language and library. Must possibly learn a > > completely new way of thinking (OOP) not just a new language syntax. > > This might be difficult. > > This is the way to go. - Trust me on this. > > When you describe your history, it is almost an exact parallel to mine. > In my case, I have been doing real low level stuff (mostly 8031 assembler) > since 1982 or so. And then I found python in a GSM module (Telit), and > I was intrigued. > > I really appreciate your comments on OO - it parallels a lot of what I feel > as there is a lot of apparent BS that does not seem to "do anything" at first > sight. > > However- for the GUI stuff, there is an easily understood relationship > between > the objects and what you see on the screen - so its a great way of getting > into OO - as far as people like you and me will go with it, which is not very > far, as we tend to think in machine instructions... > > And for what its worth - you can programme assembler-like python, and it also > works. > > The best thing to do is just to spend a few days playing with say Tkinter. > I use a reference from the web written by John W Shipman at New Mexico > Tech - it is succinct and clear, and deserves more widespread publicity. > > Google for it - I have lost the link, although I still have the pdf file. > > You will also find the interactive prompt that you get when you type > python at a command prompt invaluable - it lets you play with and debug > small code snippets so that you can learn as you go along - it really speeds > up the whole learning process, and makes it almost painless. > > All this talking is just wasting time - you could have had your first frame up > on the screen already, with a blank canvas, ready for drawing. It really goes > that quick, once you start. > > So the answer to the title question is: Yes - a low level programmer can learn > OOP, and its in fact easier than it looks, as almost all the heavy lifting has > been done for you by others. > > - Hendrik --