On Jul 9, 3:39 am, Rob Cakebread <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to find external dependencies for modules (not Python standard
> library imports).
> Currently I usepylintand manually scan the output, which is very
> nice, or usepylint's--ext-import-graph option to create a .dot file
> and extract the info from it, but either way can take a very long
> time.
> I'm aware of Python's modulefinder.py, but it doesn't find external
> dependencies (or at least I don't know how to make it do them).

notice that you can launch pylint in the following way to disabling
everything but dependencies analysis : ::

  pylint --enable-checker=imports yourproject

this will disable all others checkers and you may gain a signifiant

-- Sylvain


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