We have released an update to the PyDSTool dynamical systems and modeling package at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pydstool. There are lots of minor improvements and fixes in this version, but a powerful new feature is the support for user-defined functions for continuation using PyCont.
We have also added some tools for basic phase-plane analysis, calculation of phase response curves for oscillators, and support for some special math functions. Please see the release notes for more details, and the documentation at http://pydstool.sourceforge.net. We plan to continue to add features and improve our code over the coming months, and we look forward to hearing feedback on our progress. In particular, contributions are very welcome. Thanks again to the Scipy, Numpy, Matplotlib, and SWIG developers for facilitating our work! -- The PyDSTool developers -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list