On Jul 11, 3:37 am, Rob Wolfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But `bools` are usefull in some contexts. Consider this:
> >>> 1 == 1
> True
> >>> cmp(1, 1)
> 0
> >>> 1 == 2
> False
> >>> cmp(1, 2)
> -1
> At first look you can see that `cmp` does not return boolean value
> what not for all newbies is so obvious.

Excellent point!  And as long as we have them I
agree with Alan that the boolean data type should
implement real boolean algebra with respect to +, *, and ~,
for example supporting operator precedence appropriately
(versus using and, or, not) and also correctly
implementing DeMorgan's laws and other property's of
boolean algebra

   ~(a*b) == ~a + ~b


1+True is bad practice and should be an error.

Anything else is false advertising
(and the java community has the patent on that
methodology :c) ).

  -- Aaron Watters

Why does a giraffe have such a long neck?
Because its head is so far from its body!


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