En Tue, 10 Jul 2007 05:44:09 -0300, Laurentiu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> i am new to python and i made some digging about how
> to send files and folders to ftp server.


> i manage to send a file, but i don't know how to send
> folders with subfolders in it.
> please, can someone help me to accomplish this tasks:
> 1. send a folder with subfolders to ftp server.

Use os.walk to navigate thru the directory structure, creating new  
directories and uploading files as needed.

> 2. make the program invisible... running hide

That depends on the OS and how much invisibility you want.

> 3. send only folder that is different to the host

Most programs check file size, date and time to detect differences. It's  
easy if you transfer one-way only.

> i know that this tasks can be easily accomplish with a
> sync program, but i want to make this in python.

Good luck!

Gabriel Genellina


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