On Jul 9, 11:06 am, Josiah Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >      I am having trouble contolling vim with subprocess on a windows
> > machine.  It appears that vim comes up on the machine all right and it
> > sometimes looks like it is doing the searchs what I am asking it to do
> > but when I am asking it to load a file it doesn't do anything.  Is
> > there something I need to do to push the data through the pipe??  Here
> > is a couple different ways I am trying to do it.
> [snip]
> This recipe for asynchronous communication using subprocess could be
> used to write an expect-like tool:
>    http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/440554
> It works on both Windows and *nix.
>   - Josiah

I had the original dir work but when I tried to trade it out with vim
it isn't clear
how I should call it..  vim filename and it doesn't find filename for
some reason.
I called it pipe and then

inport pipe

def load_instrument3(instr_name, csd_name):
  if sys.platform == 'win32':
        shell, commands, tail = ('gvim' + csd_name, (csd_name,
csd_name), '\r\n')
        shell, commands, tail = ('sh', ('ls', 'echo HELLO WORLD'),

  a = pipe.Popen(shell, stdin=pipe.PIPE, stdout=pipe.PIPE)
  print pipe.recv_some(a),
  for cmd in commands:
        pipe.send_all(a, csd_name)
        print pipe.recv_some(a),
  pipe.send_all(a, csd_name)
  print pipe.recv_some(a, e=0)


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