On Jul 8, 12:22 pm, Stefan Behnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Omari Norman wrote: > > My app needs to validate XML. That's easy enough in Unix. What is the > > best way to do it in Windows? > > > The most obvious choice would of course be PyXML. However, apparently it > > is no longer maintained: > > >http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6473 > > > so there are no Windows binaries that work with Python 2.5. Getting > > other XML libraries like libxml2 also seems to be quite difficult on > > Windows. > > > Has anyone else dealt with this problem and found a solution? It would > > even be fine if I could find a free command-line validator that I could > > invoke with subprocess, but I haven't even had luck with that. > > lxml has statically built Windows binaries available for version 1.2.1, those > for 1.3.2 should become available soon. It supports RelaxNG, XMLSchema, DTDs > and (with a little patching) Schematron. > > http://codespeak.net/lxml/ > > Stefan
You might try something like this. I am sure you can find help on MSDN. I know DOM may not be most efficient but could be a way to solve the problem on windows. >>> import win32com.client >>> >>> import win32com.client >>> objXML = win32com.client.Dispatch("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0") >>> objXML.load(r'C:\data\pyexamples\xml\acro.xml') True # not sure how to load schema but there must be away >>> objXML.validate() -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list