Yeah, that's a good point...

On Jul 8, 2007, at 1:48 AM, Tim Roberts wrote:

> i3dmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Then you can use other chars as the delimiter, [EMAIL PROTECTED]@b@ or 
>> r!a!b!,
>> etc... The import thing is so long as the interpreter doesn't get
>> confused on the data and the delimiter.
> That limits the number of valid delimiters to a relatively small  
> set.  You
> couldn't use any valid operator:
>    x = r*a*b
> Is that a one character raw string appended to a string called "b",  
> or is
> that to multiplications?
>> sed also allows for
>> arbitrary delimiters too as long as you maintain the integrity of the
>> original meaning...
> sed can do that because its commands are one character long.  Whatever
> follows an "s" must a delimiter because it can't be anything else.
> -- 
> Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
> -- 


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