Robert Dailey schrieb:
> Hi,
> I'm interested in making a C++ library of mine usable through python.
> Python does a similar thing with Expat (the non-validating XML
> parser). I notice that with Expat, python is importing a C++ header
> file into a PY file and the interface is available to python. I've
> read through the python documentation as well as done a little bit of
> google research and I've not been able to find a tutorial of some sort
> on how to do this. Perhaps I just don't know the right words to search
> for.
> If anyone could lead me in the right direction (possibly an article,
> tutorial, etc) I would greatly appreciate it.

The best thing to do is to offer your C++-lib with a C-style interface. 
Then you can use python's ctypes (included since python2.5) to access 
the shared library.

If you insist on using C++, you can expose the lib using several 
available wrapper generators. I know of three: SIP, Swig & 
Boost::Python. The first I've got some very good first-hand experience. 
The second is somewhat primitive IHMO. The third I never used.

Use these to google in this group, you'll find plenty of stuff.


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