On Jul 6, 12:31 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I had nothing better to do, so I thought I would make a database that
> contained the songs played on the internet radio station I listen to
> (hardradio.com) so I could see how many differents songs/artists they
> played.

> So I end up with a the number of times any given song by a given
> artist is played in a day.  Want I want to do is to be able to print
> out a report for X number of weeks and I am trying to determine the
> best way to interate through the 'week' key of the dictionary.
> For example, this is week 27, the dictonary has 6 'week' keys and I
> want the data from the last 3 weeks.  Is this the best way to iterate
> through the dictionary?
>        for date in dates[year][week].keys()[-3]:
> Or is there a better way with all the new features that have been
> added to Python?

Here is an implementation using as many 'new' features of Python as I
could think of.


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