On Jul 5, 3:58 am, "Marc Stuart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to create a function, where I pass a dictionary with a
> lits of strings, and try to return a
> a list of strings, for all variations, any ideas ?
> Thanks
> def getAllVariants(someDict):
>         keys = someDict.keys()
>         for x in keys:
>                         print len(someDict[x])
> x = {1:['a','b'],2:['b','c'],3:['d','e','f','g']}
> getAllVariants(x)
> """ I need to get a list of strings that render all possible variants,
> this is what my output should be based on the
> x dictionary:
> abd
> abe
> abf
> acd
> ace
> acf
> acg
> bbd
> bbe
> bbf
> bcd
> bce
> bcf
> bcg
> """

Here's two possibilities:

- Paddy.


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