Dustin MacDonald wrote: > [code] > randomizing_counter = 0 > # Put the loop counter for the randomizing to zero. > until_val = 36 > # Set the "until val" to 36. We'll compare them to make sure we're not > at the end of our wordlist_both. > > while randomizing_counter < until_val: > big_randomized_int = RandRange(0,100) > # Make a random value and store it. > small_randomized_int = big_randomized_int / 100 > # Divide that random value and store it in a different variable. > small_randomized_int = Round(small_randomized_int, 2) > # Round that value to 2 decimal places > **weights_array(randomizing_counter) = small_randomized_int > # Assign the first randomized value to our first word to be weighted. > randomizing_counter = randomizing_counter + 1 > # Up the counter and repeat. > [/code] > > The starred line is the one getting the error message: "SyntaxError: > can't assign to function call"
You should always copy and paste the exception you receive (including the stack trace). Anyway, read the exception *carefully*. It says "can't assign to function *call*". In the line: weights_array(randomizing_counter) = small_randomized_int "weights_array(randomizing_counter)" is a function call. My guess is that you think you're trying to modify an element of "weights_array" (your code doesn't show us what weights_array is, but I'm guessing it's actually a list), but parentheses are not the syntax for element access (subscripting) in Python. You should read the python tutorial: http://docs.python.org/tut/tut.html especially the sections on lists: http://docs.python.org/tut/node5.html#SECTION005140000000000000000 and functions: http://docs.python.org/tut/node6.html#SECTION006600000000000000000 Cheers, Tim Delaney -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list