[ Ross Hetherington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import random
> import sys
> import linecache
> rnd = random.randint(1,3)
> line = linecache.getline('testfile', rnd)
> print line
Try print repr(line) ...
> gss = raw_input('Enter line: ',)
and print repr(gss) ;)

> if gss == line:
>     print 'yes'
>     sys.exit()
> else:
>     print 'no'

Then you will see, that getline returns the line *including the newline 
character*, while raw_input does not.  Use line.strip('\n') to remove 
trailing newline characters from the return value of getline.

Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters.
                                      (Rosa Luxemburg)

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