On 2007-06-28, Alan Isaac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A.T.Hofkamp wrote:
>>>>>a = Car2(123)
>>>>>b = Car2(123)
>>>>>a == b
>> True
>> set([Car2(123), Car2(123)])
>> I get a set with two equal cars, something that never happens with a set
>> my math teacher once told me.
> Then your math teacher misspoke.
> You have two different cars in the set,
> just as expected.  Use `is`.
> http://docs.python.org/ref/comparisons.html
> This is good behavior.

Hmm, maybe numbers in sets are broken then?

>>> a = 12345
>>> b = 12345
>>> a == b
>>> a is b
>>> set([a,b])

Numbers and my Car2 objects behave the same w.r.t. '==' and 'is', yet I get a
set with 1 number, and a set with 2 cars.
Something is wrong here imho.

The point I intended to make was that having a default __hash__ method on
objects give weird results that not everybody may be aware of.
In addition, to get useful behavior of objects in sets one should override
__hash__ anyway, so what is the point of having a default object.__hash__ ?

The "one should override __hash__ anyway" argument is being discussed in my
previous post.


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