Hello Guys,


I'm having a MASSIVE headache today with zip files, I had it working a while
ago but it all seems to have stopped in the past 30 minutes and I can't
figure out why.


I'm simply trying to write a function that will unzip a file, simple as
that. I've currently got this code:


Import zipfile


              zip = zipfile.ZipFile('Media/Media.zip', 'r')




def unzip(zip):

       for name in zip.namelist():

              newname = 'Media/%s' % (name)

              file(newname, 'wb').write(zip.read(name))


Now when I try and run this i get the following error message:


  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/zipfile.py", line 242, in _RealGetContents

    raise BadZipfile, "File is not a zip file"

zipfile.BadZipfile: File is not a zip file


However, if I copy the zip file off the unit client onto my windows box and
unzip it and it works absolutely perfectly, all the files are extracted as I
would expect, which leads me to think the zip file is fine, and i must just
be missing something in my code.


Any ideas guys? I'm tearing my hair out here.




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