[snip, Ilias would not understand it]

> P.S. if Ilias volunteers, or offers to pay someone to do this,
instead of just
> complaining, will hell freeze over?)


There is about as much chance of hell freezing over as there is of
England beating Australia in the cricket this summer. [I'am a
half-caste, English father, Welsh mother.  Makes it worse when you are
watching rugby :)]

To get back to Ilias, people on c.l.py have already pointed out that he
has been banned from other mailing lists, responds to 99% of assistance
with "not relevant", "off topic", or some similar garbage, and
obviously has no intention of actually delivering anything to anybody.
See c.l.clipper.visual-objects amognst other ngs for their opinion on
this megastar.

Me, I use Python to write simple programs to suit my own needs.  I have
never in the last three/four years needed to ask a question because the
documentation provided is perfectly adequate for me, failing which
Google this ng for an answer.


If you can't stand the heat, get out of the server room.

Kindest regards.

Mark Lawrence.


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