I have a multi-access problem that I'm pretty sure needs to be solved with threading, but I'm not sure how to do it. This will be my first foray into threading, so I'm a little confused by all of the new landscape. So, I'm going to lay out the problem I'm facing and if someone could point me towards a good example of what I need to do, that would be great. I read THE tutorial, and while it made since to me in an esoteric sense, I'm not sure how to implement it.
I have a program which will be logging who took what orders. These orders need to have sequential order numbers. SR001001, SR001002, SR001003, etc. Problem is I'm not sure how many people will be accessing this program at the same time. I thought about separating the order number into its own file and the having a function open it, read it, increment it, write it, and close it really quick to limit the chance of two people pulling the same number. Then I heard found threading. So this sounds like a consumer/producer problem, right? So I think I need to use a Queue to crank out quote numbers and have the users connect to the queue to get their number. Does that mean I'm looking at two separate programs, a server and a client? Where do I separate the programs? I was just about to give up and have quote number assignment be manual (with error checking), but I thought I should check here first and see if someone could help me wrap my brain around this problem. You'll never learn if you never try, right? -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list