filox wrote:
> "Brett Hoerner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> On Jun 18, 11:07 am, "filox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> is there a way to find out the size of an object in Python? e.g., how 
>>> could
>>> i get the size of a list or a tuple?
>> "Size" can mean a lot of things,
>> len(my_list)
>> len(my_tuple)
>> Although I have the feeling you mean "how many bytes does this object
>> take in memory" - and I believe the short answer is no.
> is there a long answer? what i want is to find out the number of bytes the 
> object takes up in memory (during runtime). since python has a lot of 
> introspection mechanisms i thought that should be no problem...

New-style classes have both a __basicsize__ and an __itemsize__ 
attribute. __basicsize__ gives the number of bytes in the fixed size 
portion of an instance. For immutable types with variable size, such as 
tuple and str, multiply __itemsize__ by the object length and add to 
__basicsize__ to get the instance size. long type instances also vary in 
length, but since long has no length property trying to figure out the 
size of a particular instance is harder. And types like list, map and 
unicode keep pointers to blocks of memory allocated separately.

Lenard Lindstrom

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