> >     * Reduce the use of the word "buffer" in the emacs documentation.
> > Call it "opened file" or "unsaved document".
> As far as I understand the concept of buffer is much much wider than
> of "unsaved document" or "file". Should we call dired buffer as
> "unsaved document"?

It is much wider, which is why it was used in the first place.

Considering most of Xah's article, I think an animated paperclip
(maybe in ASCII art) should be the top priority for emacs developers.
This would be an important step in modernizing emacs.

Leaving this aside, I'm also taking a wild guess that some *nices (not
just Linux distros, but also *BSD, Solaris etc.) could well provide a
binary package of emacs compiled with its GTK UI, besides those
they're already providing (nox and the ugly one for X). It's a fair
assumption to consider that not anyone has GTK, but it's common enough
to provide an alternative to that stumpy Xlib-based (I think :-\) UI
that's default in just about every binary package around. It's not
just that it looks ugly, it's also somewhat awkward at times.


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